It doesn't look like anyone will be moving out much anytime soon, but in case you wanted to get out the house here are the 5 gayest states you should consider visiting. These statistics are based on reports for 2020.
It's odd that New York meets number five of the gayest state but that's because 46% of households are reported to be gay. Still, that means 3,282,807.02 families out of 7,136,537 families. The highest number of gay couples are in the cities Mohawk and Walden. It also has the largest transgender population, mostly concentrated in Queens and Manhattan. And we can't forget New York's rich underground ballroom culture. While in New York, you may want to look into Lucille Lortel Theatre.
4. Rhode Island
47% of the population in Rhode Island are reported to be gay, including little Rhody, Province and the center of the gay population being in Woonsocket. In Rhode Island there are plenty of queer-owned businesses to support and enjoy. Check our the erotic boutique called Mister Sister, the amazing Frisky Fries or a lesbian owned pizza shop called Fellini Pizzeria.
3. Delaware
Since the 2010 census gay couples have gone up 41% making it the third fastest growing state. Delaware's most recent laws banned discrimination of sexual identity, gender orientation and conversion therapy. .47% of the population is reported to be gay.
If your looking for sand, fun, and a long line of shirtless gay men look no further than Aqua Grill (57 Baltimore Ave.).
2. California
California is amazingly gay friendly and many cities are more progressive than any in the nation. According to Former Mayor Ron Oden a third of the Palm Springs population is gay. It is the nations 5th highest same sex household at 8%. LA'S Palm Spring
s region even has its own LGBT city council. San Francisco is 6.2% gay and is called "the Gay City of the World." In San Francisco there is a place called The Castro. You can't miss it, just look for the bright rainbow flag and blocks of queer-owned businesses and over 60 bars and clubs for a fabulous time.
1. Nevada
This year Nevada has ranked as the number one gayest state in the US, moving 6 places or 43% from last year. Between a place called Reno and Las Vegas they are actually tied in regards to gay visitors however the city Reno has a history. Besides being the divorce capital in the world, or the first city to allow gambling, Reno has the oldest operating LGBT bar in Nevada and the Reno Gay Rodeo. Who knew huh? But we can't deny that people would much rather go to Vegas than a Rodeo. If you're up to escape the heat, but sure to visit The Luxor for a gay pool party.