Gayes, meet Frank & Lorenzo! This handsome couple first met on Instagram in 2019, and although Lorenzo, 31, hails from Dallas and Frank, 33, from Philly, they now both live in Atlanta, GA. That wasn’t always the case. Living in a different city meant nothing to Lorenzo because he decided to “pull up in the DM,” as boyfriend Frank shared with Gaye Magazine.
“I always had a crush on him from a distance but he was in a relationship, and I respected that, and then when he was single, I was in a relationship," Frank informed.

In the beginning Frank was out here giving “catfish” vibes as he wasn't trying to link up, but that all stopped when Lorenzo snatched him out of his shell.
"Every time I tried to talk to him he was very reluctant as far as trying to meet up, so I told him, "listen, let me just take you on one date, let me let you get to know me just one time", and he was like 'okay, alright'. So I drove up to Philly, we went bowling, we had a good time, he was laughing like crazy and then after that, we went out to eat at a soul food restaurant," said Lorenzo.
“Yeah, I was not really in a space to date, but I went anyway. After, I thought - hmm, maybe this could work," said Frank.
Watch a Snippet from our Interview:
Lorenzo, a trucking company owner, and Frank, an operations specialist currently in school to be a clinical psychologist, have found lasting qualities in each other. Both proudly claiming to have always been "relationship-oriented".
Love plays a big part in their very balanced dynamic within their home. During Covid, Lorenzo decided to stay with Frank for a while in Philadelphia. His stay became elongated after receiving a job opportunity in the area. After making their relationship official, they realized they were already accustomed to living together, so they decided to move to Atlanta.

What makes him different from any other person you've dated?
“Definitely, his intellect. He is extremely smart. Sometimes, I even write words down in my notes so that during a conversation I can match him," Lorenzo admitted.
Frank: "I've been on my own since I was 14, so I'm always second-guessing people's motives and overthinking things. He stops that. He pulls me out of my shell and makes me think of life differently. 'Let me love you', that's how he reacts to everything with me.
Love language is a new term for the dating scene and these two speak it fluently. When asked what each other’s love language is, they responded in the form of gifts, touch, and quality time.
Lorenzo: "Anytime we do anything, I like to give gifts and also I like to touch. So if we're sleeping or something like that, my feet has to touch you. Anything sexual maybe."
"Yea, sexual!" chimed Frank with laughter. “When he first met me he started giving gifts and I was very reluctant. He started very strong showing me he’s husband material.

Watch Lorenzo Ask Frank to be His Boyfriend:
Who said, "I Love You" First?
Lorenzo: "I Did, I definitely said it first."
So how did that feel when he said that, were you shocked, or were you like 'about time'?
Frank: "I mean I was second-guessing because I was like 'you sure?', like you haven’t seen everything yet, you sure you want to say it now?" he said jokingly.
Frank continued, "He made a video when he first asked me to be his boyfriend and...initially it was a lot but it made me feel like 'damn he is different from anybody else that I've ever been with before' because I guess when you deal with people you expect the bare minimum so when people exceed that your like, 'dang this is a lot, but then you realize this is perfect and how it is supposed to be."
"I can be very extra," Lorenzo said with a smile agreeing.

Blending families was easy due to Lorenzo's family welcoming Frank with open arms, but it wasn’t always like that. Lorenzo comes from a very religious background and told Gaye, “I remember coming out to my family and their first response was, “You’re going to catch AIDS”. So I moved and once I set those boundaries, they came around. We even kiss in front of them now.”

Frank: “We as black gay men never ask for acceptance, but we do ask for respect. Sometimes you have to be stern with family to get that, but we are all good now”.
With those obstacles having been faced and defeated; these two already have rings, so a wedding and children are in the works. Frank shared he would like 2 children as Lorenzo wants 3. As far as the wedding is concerned Frank wants something small with Lorenzo wanting something extravagant.

What's been you guys' biggest challenge in the relationship?
“Communication has been our challenge," Lorenzo began. “Sometimes we are just talking and not listening , and we had to learn to listen to each other’s needs. We had to figure out each other style of communication and break down the walls of mistrust that we carried from other relationships rather it was from family or other partners, and once we did that, it helped us grow closer.”
What advice would you give to other social media couples?
Frank: “You know, be open and honest with everything, no matter how big or small. There isn’t anything of limits when it comes to your partner.” Lorenzo chimed in with, “Stay off social media when you’re mad because everybody doesn’t need to know your business.”
Watch a Story About their Social Media Experiences as a Couple Below: