#Gayes, would ya’ll be here for Gabrielle Union and Kirsten Dunst teaming up to do another Bring It On movie? Well, if your answer is yes then it looks like the idea wouldn’t be too farfetched. After accepting a cheer challenge from the Navarro Cheerleaders on Instagram after members of the squad said they wanted to “see her on the mat for Daytona 2020”, Gabrielle responded with, “lemme find out I can still do a T-clap for that ass!”
Gabrielle comment the following in response to the clip, “All this talk about cheerleading... Hmmmm..Should we get the old gang back together again?? @kirstendunst says she's in. I'm in. Whatchu guys think? #BringItOn #Clovers4Life”.
So with all this said, would ya’ll swarm to the theaters to see Gabrielle and Kirsten in another Bring it On movie?