There has been tons of chatter around this entire Jussie Smollett situation, and before any official ruling against Jussie could be made, people have already denounced and cancelled Jussie due to the alleged fake racist and homophobic attack he claimed back in January. Recently, the Chicago Police Superintendent told the media at a press conference that Jussie paid $3,500 to Abel and Ola Osundairo to stage the attack.
However, new evidence has since surfaced which could possibly create reasonable doubt among jurors about this claim if the case goes to trial. TMZ obtained documents that on the surface back his claim the $3,500 check he wrote to Abel was for training. The check was written to Abel on January 23, 2019, six days before the "attack." The memo line reads, "5 week Nutrition/Workout program Don't Go."
According to TMZ, sources connected to Jussie say the reference to "Don't Go" is a song for which Jussie was going to shoot a music video ... featuring himself shirtless. The sources say Jussie had gained weight -- he was 192 lbs and needed to lose 20 pounds for the shoot, and that's why he hired Abel ... whom he says he calls "Bon." Sources connected to Jussie say the $3,500 breakdown is as follows: $600 a week for the workout plan for 5 weeks, and $100 a week for the nutrition plan for 5 weeks.
This situation has been painful to watch, but it'll be even more painful to see everyone apologizing if any of this is proven to be true.
Check out the text messages below.