The world-renowned Coachella took place this past weekend and the Brazilian queen Pabllo Vittar made history or HERstory rather by being the first ever drag queen to perform at the acclaimed festival. This marks a huge achievement for the LGBTQ+ community and drag performers worldwide, showing that our kings and queens are truly able to transcend any platform.
With any major success, comes major buzz and the internet was alight with commentary about Vittar’s huge accomplishment. Vittar has never tried to hide that the legendary RuPaul provided major inspiration for the queen’s own career.
This is certainly no surprise as RuPaul having been a trailblazer in the Queendom, opened many doors for many to step through. Naturally many fans wanted and expected RuPaul to also express joy surrounding Vittar’s success.
Though RuPaul wasn’t directly involved in Vittar’s rise to popularity, fans still wanted to see some sort of interaction between the two fierce and fabulous queens.
When RuPaul didn’t make any immediate correspondence with Vittar's success during the beginning of her popularity, fans of the latter began to buzz about the possibilities of a feud between the two. However, Vittar was quick to shut it down in 2020 with a tweet saying:
“Stop [pitting us against each other as rivals]. This is ugly as hell. The fact of following [someone] or not doesn’t take away the respect I have for mother Ru! If I am a drag queen today, it was because her show showed me that it was possible. I love and respect and hope to meet her one day.”
The long-awaited interaction that the Queendom had so fervently hoped for came to pass in a tweet from RuPaul on April 20, 2022 saying, “I LOVE & SUPPORT @PablloVittar + Shame on you catty twitter trolls trying to create a rivalry;” alongside a picture of the queen Pabllo. It was soon followed up by a tweet from Vittar saying “ I LOVE YOU MOTHER!”

Not only was the interaction legendary but it also points to a historic moment for the community that was undoubtedly necessary to celebrate. It’s safe to say that all’s well that end’s well in this particular instance and that both Queens can take seats on their respective thrones within the Queendom.