With Pride Month still going on strong, it’s important now more than ever that the LGBTQ community have safe, non-judgmental gathering spaces in order to socialize, blow off some steam and temporarily shut out a socially unaccepting society. Bulldogs, a gay bar located in Atlanta, Georgia has been that safe haven for millions of LGBTQ members since 1978, going as far as to call it “USA’s 3rd Best Gay Bar” according to their Instagram page.
Nonetheless, it seems the renowned LGBTQ hot spot is under some fire after recent allegations were brought up against the bar claiming that they make transgender women and effeminate men pay more at the door.
Since then, many regulars have caught wind of this and are outraged about the situation. In fact, a petition, which currently has over 500 signatures, has been started to raise awareness and put an end to the alleged discrimination towards their customers.
Within the petition it states, “Atlanta is considered, by many, the LGBTQ Mecca of the US. In a city with such a title, it’s LGBTQ citizens should feel safe to enjoy spaces created for us. Bulldog’s Bar does not uphold the standard, or exception, of a place that should be welcoming for all members of the community that support its success. The trans women and effeminate men in our community have suffered decades of mistreatment, and discrimination that degrade their humanity in this establishment. When LGBTQ citizens patronize an LGBTQ space, the hope, and assumption, is that this will be a place where we can go to be protected from the degradation of members outside of our community; however, Bulldog’s perpetuates the same behaviors and beliefs of the other communities that view us as less than…”
Gaye Magazine reached out to Bulldogs to gather an official statment in response to the allegations. The manager refused to share their name and requested to remain anonymous.
“I can say that’s not true. That’s the bottom line. We charge regular prices; we’re a man’s bar. We give out man's discounts.”
Nathaniel Green, who signed and is a supporter of the petition commented, “On what planet does charging more on the basis of masculinity make sense?”

Another supporter of the petition by the name of Keith Hills writes, “Simply we should all be treated fairly”.

An official response from the bar has not been released since these allegations were made. We will continue to provide updates as this story develops.