It has been over five years since we watched Ms. Foxxy and Cedric from “Beyond Scared Straight” have a heart to heart. The iconic duo originally went viral after the show aired with Foxxy providing advice to Cedric about his sexuality, in which she said her iconic line, “I Was Waiting for You at the Doe”.
Cedric took to Instagram on Oct. 30 and shared a recent picture of him and Foxxy out in Atlanta. Since then, a viral TikTok video and several Facebook posts with their photos have gone viral suggesting that they are now a couple.

Our team at Gaye reached out to Cedric directly to receive an exclusive statement confirming if the rumors are true.
“No, we are good friends,” Cedric writes to us via DM.
He adds, “After the show, Foxy became a mentor to me and she kept in touch to see the growth and development but we lost contact due to her Instagram being hacked. This night was just a coincidence, we didn’t intend on seeing one another, but we also have something in store for the viewers.”
And there you have it, gayes! We are thrilled that Cedric and Foxxy have maintained a close bond over the years and that she continued being a positive influence for him as he navigated challenges with his sexuality.

Cedric further shares that “there’s a show containing Foxxy and I [being produced]," However, the details of the show are still being developed.
“That’s the only info, I can’t give any more details...but please be on the lookout soon.”
Gayes, would you be down to watch a show starring Ms. Foxxy and Cedric?