Santa finally got what he wanted for Christmas. A beau in Norway.
On the start of December, Norway's postal service, Posten, released a new heartfelt Christmas commercial with Old Saint Nick falling in love but Mrs. Claus was no where in sight.
The 4-minute love story between Santa and his boyfriend, Harry celebrates the 50th anniversary for the decriminalization of homosexuality in Norway. With Christmas around the corner, why not give the North Pole a twist.

Believe it or not, The ad Is a remake of the 1988 American romantic comedy film, ”When Harry Met Sally...written by Nora Ephron and directed by Rob Reiner.
In 1988, Harry and Sally characters meet in Chicago just before sharing a cross-country drive, through twelve years of chance encounters in New York City.
Fast Forward to 2021, catch chestnuts roasting on an open fire as the new film share the moment Harry first meets Santa — when he brings presents overnight and The two share a special glance before Santa escapes up the chimney.

The significance of the story left viewers in awe after several years of Harry only seeing the love of his life on one special night. He finally decided to write Santa a letter of his own. “Dear Santa, All I Want For Christmas Is You”.
With 1.5 million views & over eight thousand comments on YouTube, The Christmas commercial feedback has been “overwhelming” for Norway, According to the Norwegian post with NBC news .
“Our aim was to “show love has no limits” and reaction within Norway so far has been “overwhelming.” No decision has yet been made on if there will be a follow up to Santa’s love story next year”

Not having a part two to Harry & Santa fling didn’t stop Twitter from sharing their opinions.
Canadian Member of Parliament, Randall Garrison, broke the rules just for Norway’s New ad.
“Ok I’m breaking my no Xmas before December rule to thank Posten Norge for this strong and moving message of inclusion celebrating 50 years since the decriminalization of homosexuality in Norway.”
But of course not everyone was excited to see Santa without Mrs. Claus.
Twitter user, Craig Shepherd wasn’t thrilled about Harry.

“Norway Giving Santa a boyfriend is the most ridiculous think I’ve heard in a while”
Despite Shepherds opinion, the commercial ends with Santa giving Harry want he always wanted…a lasting Christmas.