Renowned singer and choreographer Todrick Hall gave his fans a “life update” on Instagram today (May 5). After sharing that he had been single for six years, Hall introduces his boyfriend David Borum as “the man who has stolen my heart.”
As we previously reported in February, Hall purchased his Los Angeles “dream home” and filmed an exclusive tour for his fans on YouTube. Today, Hall further opened up with his fans and shared a “photo dump” of him and his boyfriend from over the past the year.
"A few days ago (after over a year of back and forth dating through COVID) I asked him to be my BOYFRIEND,” writes Todrick in his caption.
“He screamed!!! Really HIGH then said “Yes!”
“...it is so unbelievably difficult for people to gain my trust. But, this man has stuck it out and been so incredibly patient with me and I’m so glad that we’re finally official. He is so respectful, so talented, so handsome and such a southern gentleman. I’m legit “Twitterpated” right now, smiling and cheesing as I write this. Here’s a little photo dump of photos we’ve taken over the past year, caution; it might make you sick cuz we’re just too darn cute. Love you boy @davidborum.”

David writes, “This boy had stolen my heart...I have completely fallen for you Todrick and I cannot wait to experience more adventures and do life with you crazy! So happy to call you my boyfriend!!”
Gayes, help us congratulate Todrick Hall on finding love! View a Gaye Flashback below: